Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Crazy Book Obsession: NA Crush Tourney: Team Rush

My Crazy Book Obsession: NA Crush Tourney: Team Rush: Hi, guys! How are you doing? I just got an email, an amazing email, yesterday, and guess what? I'm the advocate for RUSH FINLAY in ...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Did I feel Complete?

 First off I love to read but I am still getting the hang of writing reviews of books. I don't like to recap books and I hate to give away spoilers because i want everyone to enjoy the book like I did. I love when a author keeps you interested and you can't wait to happen next.

So I am reviewing the Book Complete Me (Stark Trilogy #3) by J. Kenner.

 I truly love this series. I was very excited to get an ARC of this book. I thought this book had a little bit of everything( romance, steamy sex scenes, suspense). Damien Stark is masterful character with lots of dimension. I was only disappointed that the series is over.